The first European-wide network of organic advisors and advisory services

Join us in the important effort to connect and empower organic advisory throughout Europe!

By filling out our survey, you will contribute to a comprehensive overview of advisory services, facilitating collaboration and enhancing visibility within the community. We are mapping the diversity of organic advisory services across Europe to better understand the existing landscape. This means we are trying to gather information about actors active in organic farming advice. Your participation will help strengthen our network and support the future of organic farming.

Put yourself on the Map

Join us in the important effort to connect and empower organic advisory throughout Europe!

By filling out our survey, you will contribute to a comprehensive overview of advisory services, facilitating collaboration and enhancing visibility within the community. From now until January 31, 2025 we are mapping the diversity of organic advisory services across Europe to better understand the existing landscape. This means we are trying to gather information about actors active in organic farming advice. Your participation will help strengthen our network and support the future of organic farming.

Put yourself on the Map
Organic Farming

The EU has set the target of reaching at least 25% organic farmland by 2030.

This requires the entry of about 700,000 new farmers into the organic sector, more than doubling of the current organic land area and a substantial increase in supply chains and the complete range of support services.

Advisors with organic competences are essential to reach the 25% target. We estimate that the sector needs about 15,000 advisors in the EU, who can support the new organic farmers.

We are creating a strong European network of experienced and new advisors

OrganicAdviceNetwork supports this target by creating a strong European network of experienced and new advisors with organic farming expertise, offering in-person and online knowledge exchange and training. Moreover, the project will strengthen the development of organic advice through policy recommendations.

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Main Objectives

Create a strong European-wide network of advisors with organic farming expertise

The primary goal is to create a strong European-wide network of advisors with expertise in organic farming. This will involve connecting advisors and advisory networks from different sectors and countries. The project will support continuous exchanges between advisors and different advisory networks, fostering collaboration and shared knowledge. Another key focus is to create greater visibility for advice on organic farming, improving its accessibility, particularly within traditional extension services.

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Inspire and challenge the mindsets of advisors and farmers

The project aims to inspire and challenge the mindsets of both advisors and farmers by developing narratives that highlight the benefits of organic farming. These narratives will include examples of good practices from various sectors and European regions. Additionally, the principles of organic farming and related concepts, such as agroecology and regenerative agriculture, will be explained. The project will compile relevant data and materials for advisors and farmers, covering the impacts of organic conversion at the farm level, such as finances, input sourcing, market access and available support.

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Enhance advisors’ knowledge about organic farming practices

To enhance advisors’ knowledge of organic farming practices, the project will offer online courses and create opportunities for in-person exchanges, such as cross-visits. In addition, relevant materials will be translated into multiple languages to ensure broader accessibility for advisors across Europe.

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Improve advisory methods

The project will also work on improving advisory methods by raising awareness about different types of advice, such as group coaching, impartial and farm-tailored advice, peer-to-peer exchange techniques, and conversion planning. Furthermore, it will provide a wide range of soft-skills training to enhance advisors’ effectiveness.

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Contribute to building organisational capacity of advisory services

To build the organisational capacity of advisory services, the initiative will highlight successful business models for providing advice. It will also support the establishment of mentoring networks, pairing beginners with experienced organic advisors and farmers to foster professional growth.

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Highlight specific needs for policy support for strengthening organic advisory services

The project will assess the current status of policy measures aimed at supporting organic farming and will develop policy recommendations for administrations and policymakers. These recommendations will help strengthen the support available for organic advisory services.

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in a Nutshell

The OrganicAdviceNetwork consortium consists of 17 main partners and 7 affiliated entities across Europe. Each partner contributes with unique expertise and resources to the project, having a comprehensive understanding of and a robust network within the organic advisory system of their respective country.

Meet the partners involved


4 years (04/2024 - 03/2028)
Organic Farming

Agricultural Sector

OrganicAdviceNetwork covers five agricultural sectors:
Arable crops
More about us

In-person exchange

30 Cross Visits
5 Soft Skills Trainings
More about trainings
Organic Farming People

E- learning

1 Basic Course about organic farming principles and conversion process
10 Learning Paths for experienced advisors on innovative practices in organic farming
5 Learning Paths on soft skills
More about E-learning
Organic Farming Digital

Digital Materials

50 practical tools for advisors on the Organic Farm Knowledge platform
15 policy briefs to strenghten organic advisory services
14 factsheets describing the organic advisory system
20 practice abstracts on innovative farming practices
10 practice abstracts on soft skills
Access materials
Organic Farming Man

OrganicAdviceNetwork News

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Press Release

Join us for our Cross Visits!

Press Release

Upcoming workshop on soft skills for advisors with sister projects

Press Release

Coming soon:
