One of the key elements of OrganicAdviceNetwork is the development of in-person trainings and networking opportunities we want to give advisors the opportunity to develop and innovate their advisory activities by deepening their knowledge about organic farming practices and to broaden their horizons about effective advisory methods and soft skills.

We created as a space where advisors can access our trainings, learn more about organic farming, develop their advisory methods and exchange with other advisors across Europe.

Cross Visits

Join us - Registrations are open

The OrganicAdviceNetwork project will organize cross visits which will provide unique opportunities for new and experienced organic advisors to meet, exchange, get insights, and learn from their peers in different countries across Europe. These interactions will be vital in building a cohesive and collaborative network.

30 Cross Visits will be organized across five geographical zones: 20 cross-visits for arable and ruminant sectors and 10 for the vegetable, fruit and viticulture sectors. The first Cross Visits are expected in spring 2025! Stay tuned for more information.

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Soft Skills Training

Coming Summer 2027

In the you will get access to 5 Soft Skills Training in different European countries with experts in advisory methods and soft skills enhancement. Advisors from different countries and various agricultural sectors will be gathered to exchange and learn about effective advice  (e.g. group coaching, impartial and farm-tailored advice, techniques for peer-to-peer exchange, conversion planning). Stay tuned for more information, as these trainings are expected to start in 2027.

Training Title

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